Brief: Together Design put a design challenge out to their Instagram followers during the Coronavirus Lockdown in 2020. Standing with the NHS. Calling all creative friends and collaborators, our family, kids and anyone bored at home. Using the words 'Stay Home' create an image to support this important message to save lives. 
The Process: As soon as I say Together Design post about this creative challenge I was sketching ideas in which I could represent the words 'Stay Home' in a graphic way. I wanted it to have a deeper meaning than just a simple typographic experiment. I thought of the different things everyone in quarantine/isolation is experiencing, the most obvious answer was boredom as you could only leave the house once a day for a walk at the time I was designing these graphics. What do you do when you're  bored? Watch TV? Scroll through Instagram? Crafts? Painting? Reading? Play Games? How could I incorporate 'Stay Home' into these activities? 
Outcome: Due to COVID-19, families have brushed the cobwebs off their board games during isolation to fuel entertainment. I used this as a basis of my experiments in conjunction with the Together Design brief. I used the games Scrabble, a Puzzle and Dominoes to illustrate 'Stay Home' in an innovative and interesting way which is more just just words. To expand on this experiment I completed over lockdown, I thought you could create merchandise to be sold in collaboration with the National Health Service in the UK to raise money for the NHS while they are battling on the front line of COVID-19 in hospitals. The graphic pieces I made could be put onto notebooks, t-shirts (as seen above) and other promotional material to be sold. To add the graphics could also be transformed in to an awareness campaign including posters (as seen below) to raise awareness of the importance of staying home during the worldwide pandemic. 
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